Wednesday, September 19, 2007

MacGregor Syndrome. America's Next Top Pandemic?

It was announced, today, that South Africa leads the world in cases of HIV/AIDS with over 1,000 AIDS related deaths per day. Even more staggering? A similar study found that the United States leads the world in cases of the terminal and incurable MacGregor Syndrome. With the first cases being recorded in 1997, the death rates have increased, annually. Today, it is estimated that every year 1.5 people succumb to MacGregor Syndrome in its final stages. The real trouble, however, is that little is known about the disease, whether it is a virus, cancer or vitamin deficiancy. The symptoms range from shortness of breath to loss of life and victims range from younger attractive women to elderly British men. The leading physician fighting this killer is Dr. Victor Fries. After his wife, Nora, contracted MacGregor's Syndrom in the mid-90s, Dr. Fries began a search for the cure. Unfortunately, Fries was so desperate, he turned to a life of crime (stealing diamonds from local museums, breaking out of asylums, etc.)

While his efforts produced a cure for the earlier stages of McG syndrome, the final stages remain terminal. Please, take the time to research and donate to the efforts to cure MacGregor syndrome before it spreads. Also, join my campaign in nominating Dr. Fries for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

The Doctor and his wife in happier times.


Unknown said...

Just fifty cents a day (or 50 Cent a day) can help prevent a small child from becoming another innocent victim of MacGregor's Syndrome.

Please give generously. Failure to do so is essentially the equivalent of screaming at the top of your lungs, "KILL THE HEROES! YEEEHHHSSS! KILL THEM!"

Paid for by Hands Across America.
And Curtis Jackson.

Unknown said...

You know, now Clock King has it. The disease is highly contagious among DC Villains and those they associate with.

Unknown said...

You know, now Clock King has it. The disease is highly contagious among DC Villains and those they associate with.

bamabell97 said...

Watching the Flash and Iris's mother has Macgregor-syndrome lol

Anonymous said...

@bamabell97 that's what brought me here as well lol

Anonymous said...

@bamabell97 that's what brought me here as well lol

Unknown said...

I can't believe u can't spell and write that long of a story not realizing that you are talking about a fries doctor versus a freeze doctor....haha...and then the donation it's incredible what people come up with

Unknown said...

Actually he is right. Doctor Freeze is actually spelled Doctor Fries. Fries (pronounced Freeze) was his name before all the ice stuff, just a coincidence that he also ended up as the frozen guy.