Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Movie Review: "Who Made the Potatoe Salad?"

Sometimes, guys, life gets too crazy, sexy, cool and you need a break. Well, after watching all six and a half hours of the "Betray-us Report" I needed a break. And when you need a laugh, there's one name you turn to: Jaleel White. I recently discovered White's latest film "Who Made the Potatoe Salad?" at the local Target. From the cover, I could tell this was going to be as good, if not better, than Jaleel's last outing, "Dreamgirls" (not enough Jaleel!). Anyway, even before the movie starts (with the mispelling of "potato") "Salad" delivers the goods.

Plot: An urban romantic comedy about a young San Diego policeman who travels to Los Angeles with his fiancée to meet her dysfunctional family and announce their engagement.

And that's just the beginning. The funniest part was when Mookie, the girl's cousin, went off about the potato salad, and Granpa made lil Ray Ray cry when he talked about the punch.

Don't believe me? Here's a clip. Rent it or buy it, quick. You won't regret "Who Made the Potatoe Salad?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since 1996, I have always believed that the Klumps had the market cornerd on African American Dinner Table Scenes. Today, I have come to realize that there is a challenger to the throne...

Critics are calling "Potatoe Salad" the Best Reviewed Film of the Summer!

"It's delicious! You'll go back for seconds!"
-Darius McCrary, blackfilm.com

"Thousand Island? How 'bout a Thousand Stars?!"
-Rex Reed, My13.com

"Hysterical! You'll wanna toss this "Salad" with your friends!"
-Ryan Combs, Filmmaker

"They tried to kill my wife!!!"
-Frank Lucas