Sunday, September 9, 2007

Prognosis Negative

Bad news guys :( You know those bloody noses I've been having? We'll they're not because of a sinus infection. The doctors took an X-Ray of my stomach, because I also have been having really bad pains. And, the X-Rays revealed that I have over 26 needles stuck in various parts of my body. That's right, 26!! Some of them even made their way up to my sinus cavity (hence the bloody noses). Apparently, the doctors said that the needles were stuck in me when I was young, like before I was three. They say it must have been done by a family member or caretaker. But, my mom used to stay home with me until I went to kindergarten. I hope that my mom didn't stick these needles in me, why would she? Now I need multiple surgeries. Fortunately, the hospital is providing all the surgeries for free. Thank you all for supporting me during this rough time. I'll be okay; I just wish my mom was alive so I could ask her why she would do this to me. I really loved her.

Here is the aforementioned X-Ray:

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